Our Constitution
- Name
- The official name of this organization is the Berkeley Student Branch of the American Nuclear Society, Incorporated,hereinafter designated as the Branch.[1]
- Objectives and Operation
- The objectives of the Branch shall be consistent with the objectives of the American Nuclear Society, hereinafter designated as the Society, as defined in the American Nuclear Society Certificate of Incorporation and its Bylaws and Rules; namely, “the advancement of science and engineering relating to the atomic nucleus and of allied sciences and arts”.[2]
- For the furtherance of these objectives, the Branch shall undertake:
- To promote the professional development of its members by its programs, by its relations to other student branches and its relationship with the Society.
- To contribute toward the development of nuclear science and technology at the University of California through activities in which student members and faculty may participate.
- Obligations of the Branch
- To the American Nuclear Society
- The activities of the Branch shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Certificate of Incorporation and of the Rules and Bylaws of the Society, and specifically in accordance with Article B14 of the Society’s Rules and Bylaws.[3]
- No Branch or any affiliate or representative thereof shall have the authority to contract debts for, or pledge the credit of the Society.[4]
- To the University of California, Berkeley
- The Branch shall conform to and abide by the rules and regulations of the University of California, Berkeley concerning the formation and operation of student organizations.
- To the American Nuclear Society
- Membership
- Only currently registered students, faculty, and staff may be active members in a registered student organization. Only active members may vote or hold office.
- We will not haze according to the California State Law; we will not restrict membership based upon race, color, national origin, religion, sex, physical, and mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship or status as a covered veteran (special disabled veteran, Vietnam-era veteran or any other veteran who served on active duty during a war or in a campaign or expedition for which a campaign badge has been authorized).
- Dues, Assessments, and Contributions
- The annual dues for student members of the Branch shall be fixed by the Board of Governors.[5]
- The Branch may accept local non-compulsory financial contributions upon the approval of the Board of Governors and the Honorary Chairman.[6]
- Dues are payable at the beginning of the school year. Members, who are at three months in arrears, shall be dropped from the membership upon vote of the Board of Governors.
- Special Levies over and above annual dues may be assessed by the branch upon two-thirds vote of the entire Branch.
- Governing Body and Officers
- Annually, the Branch shall elect officers including a Chairman, V. Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, and three other members to constitute the governing body.[7]
- This governing body shall be designated as the Board of Governors and consist of the elected officers of the Branch, three elected governors, and the Honorary Chairman.
- Duties of the Board of Governors
- The Board of Governors shall have the authority to act for the Branch in transacting all of the business affairs of the Branch including the filling of vacancies, authorization of expenditures, and other duties not specifically delegated to the officers. Such actions shall be in accordance with the Bylaws and Rules of the Society.
- The Board of Governors shall be responsible for preparing a set of Bylaws to govern the conduct of its affairs in a form prescribed by the Board of Directors of the Society subject to review by the Honorary Chairman and the approval of the Board of Directors of the Society.[8]
- The proposed Bylaws of the Branch shall be forwarded to the Executive Director of the Society within six months after the formation of the Branch has been authorized.[9]
- Approval of the Bylaws shall require an affirmative vote of not less than three-fourths of the Board of Governors and an affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the Branch.
- Amendments of the Bylaws shall conform to the procedures specified in Article B.11.
- The Board of Governors shall be responsible for establishing a set of Rules under these Bylaws to Govern the operation of the Branch and Board of Governors.
- Officers and Duties
- The elected officers of the Branch shall be Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer. These officers will also be the corresponding officers of the Board of Governors.
- The Officers shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected or appointed.
- Duties of the Chairman
- The Chairman shall have supervision over the affairs of the Branch subject to the direction of the Board of Governors. He or she shall preside at meetings and shall have the power to perform such other duties as may be delegated to him by the Board of Governors. He shall be an ex-officio member of all committees of the Branch.
- Duties of the Vice-Chairman
- He shall perform the duties of the Chairman in his absence or in the event of his inability to serve. He shall assume other duties as delegated by the Board of Governors.
- Duties of the Secretary
- He shall keep a record of all activities of the Branch.
- He shall maintain a roster of names and addresses of all members and a record of members in attendance at the meetings.
- Within 30 days, he shall file a copy of the proceedings or minutes of the Branch and of the Board of Governors with the Executive Secretary of the Society.[10]
- He shall be responsible for maintaining an accurate copy of the approved Bylaws Amendments of the Branch and filing a certified copy of same with the Executive Directory of the Society.[11]
- Duties of the Treasurer
- He shall receive all money and pay the bills of the Branch authorized by the Board of Governors. He shall keep an exact account of all receipts and expenditures.
- Election and Eligibility
- The condition for election and eligibility shall be subject to the Rules and Regulations of the University of California, Berkeley governing campus organizations.
- Election
- The Officers and Governors of the Branch shall be elected at or before the last regular meeting of the school year for terms of office of one year or until their successors are elected.
- The elected officers shall begin their duties after the end of the regular school year.
- Election shall be by secret ballot.
- Eligibility
- All officers and Governors shall hold membership in the Society.
- Nominations
- Nominations for the Officers and Governors shall be prepared by a Nominating Committee. The Committee shall be appointed by the Chairman and at least two months prior to the election.
- Nominations shall be accepted from the floor at the time of the election.
- No nominations shall be made without the consent of the nominee.
- Honorary Chairman
- The Board of Governors is responsible to provide for appointment of an Honorary Chairman, subject to the approval of the President of the Society, who is a Member, Fellow, or Emeritus Members. The Honorary Chairman shall serve as an advisory member of the Board without vote and shall serve as a liaison between the Branch and the Society. At the discretion of the University, he may also be appointed be the University as Faculty Advisor of the Branch.
- Standing and Special Committees
- The Standing and Special Committees of the Branch shall be appointed by the Chairman subject to the approval of the Board of Governors. Standing Committees shall be appointed to serve a term concurrent with the officers.
- Standing Committees
- Program Committee
- The Program Committee shall be composed of not less than three members. It shall be responsible for making arrangements for the meetings. It shall also sponsor such special events as may be authorized by the Board of Governors.
- Publicity Committee
- The Publicity Committee shall be responsible for proper advance announcements and notices of each meeting and for suitable publicity relating to meetings after they have been held.
- Membership Committee
- The Membership Committee shall bring to the attention of all potential Branch members the advantages of membership in the Branch and in the Society.
- Program Committee
- Special Committees
- Nominating Committee
- The Nomination Committee shall be composed of not less than three members. It shall be responsible for preparing a list of nominees for each of the officers and governors of the Branch. At least one name shall be submitted for each officer and governor. Chairman of the Nominating Committee shall be of senior standing or higher.
Additional special committees may be established from time to time by the Chairman subject to the authorization of the Board of Governors; these shall be dissolved upon completion of the duties assigned to them.
- A majority of the committee membership shall constitute a quorum at all committee meetings.
- Meetings
- The Branch shall hold regular and special meetings at such times and places as may be designated by the Board of Governors.
- The papers read and discussed at Branch meetings may be either original papers previously presented at one of the regular meetings of the Society.[12]
- Amendments
- Amendments to these Bylaws may be proposed at any regular meeting of the Branch.
- A period of 10 days or more than 60 days shall transpire after the proposal is announced to the Branch before a vote may take place. Adoption of proposed amendment shall require the affirmative vote of not less than two-thirds of the members voting, with a total of not less than two-thirds of the total voting membership of the Branch.
- Before a vote is taken by the Branch, the amendments shall be reviewed by the Honorary Chairman of the Branch and the Rules and Bylaws Committee of the Society and be approved by the Board of Directors of the Society.[13]
- Additional articles and amendments may be included if they are in consonance with the University of California and A.S.U.C. regulations and policies. All amendments, additions, or deletions must be filed with the Office of Student Life, 102 Sproul Hall and with the A.S.U.C. Office of Student Affairs, 400 Eshleman Hall, within one week of adoption.
- Rules of Conduct
- In all procedural matters not covered by the Bylaws and Rules of the Branch, Robert Rules of Order, latest edition, will be used as the authority for parliamentary procedure.
- Dissolution
- In the event of dissolution of the above named organization, all unspent A.S.U.C. funds shall remain the property of the A.S.U.C. All privately obtained funds shall be donated to a non-profit organization to be designated by a vote of the members of the Branch at the time of dissolution and with prior approval of the A.S.U.C. Senate Finance Committee.All Graduate Assembly funds shall remain the property of the Graduate Assembly.
- Governing Society Bylaws and Rules
- [1] R 14.12
- [2] B 14.1
- [3] B 14.1.25
- [4] R 14.25
- [5] 14.24
- [6] 14.24
- [7] 14.22
- [8] 14.23
- [9] 14.23
- [10] 14.32
- [11] 14.23
- [12] R 14.26
- [13] R 14.23